Dorset Suits

Dorset Suits takes pride in delivering exceptional, personalised service for every occasion.

Working Style Made to Measure – Issue 34

After nearly four decades of fitting clients into tailored looks, Working Style founder Chris Dobbs understands the value of a made to measure suit — both in terms of cost per wear, and the value of feeling perfectly confident at every significant occasion.

Dorset Suits

Dorset Suits has been a stalwart in the New Zealand fashion industry for over 35 years. 

Issue 32 Flora Fashion

We unveil our newest Flora Fashion, featured in Issue 32! Prepare to dive into a realm of awe-inspiring wedding attire ideas alongside glorious blooms and florals that will surely captivate your guests.

Christopher + Jonathan by Paige Nelson Photography

CM: I’m originally from a small farming town in Central California. Life eventually helped me make my way to Sacramento. JP: I grew up in the college town of Davis, just outside of Sacramento. My parents were business owners, opening an Italian deli and speciality foods shop.