TJ Real Couple Form

TJ Real Couple for website

Real life love stories:

We’re delighted to have the opportunity to feature the story of your special day on our website and we appreciate your support so much.

To help us tell your story perfectly - and accurately - please fill in the following information where applicable

Also if possible please disable gallery passwords and download pins. It makes our lives so much easier. And after all we are about to put these images on the internet for everyone to see.

Personal details:

Attire, what you both wore:

Please answer the following in as much detail as possible. Write from your own perspective, using the first person ‘I’. Sometimes both members of a couple will tell the story, sometimes just one. It’s really helpful if you clarify which one of you is contributing which comment by starting your comment with your initials.
More information to make your submission the best it can be!

Please we do ask that you don’t submit your wedding to any other magazines or blogs until 12 weeks after the Together Journal web feature. After this exclusive timeframe has passed we are more than happy for you to share the wedding with any other publications or blogs. Publication on your own website, blog, social media channels etc. is absolutely fine, there is no delay required for this.

Also please, this is super important: Please make 100% sure you have gained the permission of your photographer or of the couple featured in the wedding before you submit to Together Journal.

By completing and returning this form both the couple and the photographer are giving Together Journal permission to publish and feature images on our website, digital magazines, social media platforms. As well as potentially published in our annual best of publications, if selected.

Once again we couldn’t be happier to have your wedding featured with us. Thank you.

Extra Important Information:

  • Images must be minimum 1200 pixels wide (remember to check both landscape and portrait orientation for this).
  • Images need to be 72dpi. Please don’t send 300 dpi or high res images for web features.
  • Please send between 70 to 100 images which take us through from getting ready to the reception.
  • Please don’t send us over 100 images.
  • We do prefer a majority of landscape images for web features if possible.
  • Please disable password and download pins from your galleries.

Feature Badges to use on your website: Click here

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