Flatroc Films

Flatroc Films aren’t your typical wedding videographers, their unique approach to capturing and retelling love stories and ability to connect with people, create an unforgettable experience, and capture genuine emotions sets them apart.

Their point of difference therefore extends beyond the video editing and can be seen in their presence on your wedding day with their refreshing and personal approach to wedding videography.

From the moment Zac of Flatroc Films meets the couple to the final dance, he’s your ultimate hype man and understands that a wedding isn’t just a single day but an entire weekend of celebrations. His goal is to create a lasting experience that goes beyond the traditional wedding videography, immersing himself in the festivities and making everyone feel like they’ve known him for years.

One of the frequently asked questions about Flat Roc Films is, “How long have you been mates with the couple?” This speaks volumes about Zac’s ability to connect with people and create a comfortable atmosphere. Taking the time to crack open a beer and have a chat with guests and understanding that these small conversations are what add depth to the storytelling process. By establishing genuine connections, he’s able to retell the couple’s story in a truly authentic way.

Zac goes above and beyond to ensure that couples have the best time possible, taking on the role of coach and mentor, offering guidance and support leading up to the wedding day and throughout the event. And by doing so, helping couples lock away key moments, ensuring that no precious memory is lost.

During the wedding day he strikes the perfect balance between being the life of the party and capturing emotional moments. Zac is the one encouraging champagne pops and ensuring the celebration is in full swing. However, he’s not immune to the heartfelt emotions that often accompany weddings and isn’t afraid to shed a tear as a proud father speaks about his little girl, capturing the raw and genuine emotions that make each wedding unique.

At the core, Flatroc Films genuinely want the couple’s wedding day to be the best day of their lives. And by combining Zac’s energetic and fun-loving nature with his dedication to storytelling, he creates wedding films that are truly extraordinary, timeless and films that will be cherished for a lifetime.

For more information, visit the Flatroc Films website HERE or Instagram HERE