As the season changes from Spring to Summer, Karen Walker Jewellery leads you down the garden path to experience the enchantment of Garden People.
“Karen Walker, Karen Walker, how does your garden grow?
With shiny tools and vegetables,
And garden gnomes all in a row.”
Drawing on its commitment to creating items that are well-crafted and uniquely designed, Karen Walker once again showcases why it is such a powerhouse and beloved brand with its latest offering — the Garden People jewellery collection.
Garden People is a collection comprised of talismans for those who are green of thumb and those who wish they were. These infinitely wearable pieces are perfect for your everyday adventures.
Standing guard at the garden gate is the humble Mr Gnome, with his distinguished beard and phrygian cap – the perfect foil to the more mischievous Ms Gnome who’s run amok with the garden tools for the umpteenth time. There’s a dainty garden fork, a trusty watering can (engraved with KW no less) and a hardy gumboot from a pair gone rogue.
The garden wouldn’t be complete without some home-grown produce, so down in the garden bed, there are annuals, biennials and perennials aplenty in the form of sweet corn, garlic and carrots.
Available in sterling silver, 9 carat yellow and rose gold as pendants are Mr Gnome, Ms Gnome, the Garden Fork, the Gumboot and the KW Watering Can. With the Carrots, Sweet Corn and Garlic all available as pendants with matching hoop earrings.
And worry not amateur horticulturalists, if you can’t grow your own vegetables – store-bought is just fine with Garden People cropping up in all Karen Walker stores, on the website, and in select boutiques, department stores, and jewellers from 19 October 2022.
Browse the full collection at Karen Walker’s website HERE or visit their Instagram HERE.