
Real Wedding: Emma & James – Photography by Nisha Ravji

James proposed in Rome, where we’d gone for a few days for my birthday (we live in the UK). I sort of knew it was coming but wasn’t sure. We spent a day in Vatican City and I had no idea James was wanting to propose that day, I was too hot and sweaty so it wasn’t the right moment... Later that day when unpacking his bag the ring box fell out and rolled across the floor! I threw a top over it and ran into the shower, he had no idea I saw it. Then I knew it was real! He waited until my birthday day, and asked me when out at dinner, in the most amazing restaurant, outside, with pretty fairy lights. It was very romantic.

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Real Wedding: Hannah & Bruno – Photography by Anna Kidman

Bruno and I met at age 16 at my beach house in the Coromandel. We didn’t see much of each other until five years later when we were 21. We’ve been together ever since. We spent a lot of years apart travelling separately and stayed together throughout - it was a testament to our relationship we were always going to be each others. Things haven’t changed too much in our relationship since getting married, but we thought after eight years it was time to make it official and become Mr & Mrs. We’ve recently moved home to New Zealand after living in Sydney and abroad for the past six years. We bought a wee place in Auckland and are finally settled, surrounded by all our family and friends.

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