Adam + Jane by Ana Galloway

We have similar drive and aspirations for our lives—we balance each other out and make a great team!

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love…

I work in marketing, and Adam is a cricketer.

We spend a lot of time on the road and apart – but we’re massive homebodies. Life gets a bit hectic, so we really appreciate spending downtime together at home in Wellington.

How/where/when did you meet – and what were your first impressions?

We met in the student bar back in our hometown. Adam had been at an event and was wearing a suit, so they looked completely out of place. He caught my eye, and we got chatting through friends.

When did you first realise that this was someone, you’d like to spend the rest of your life with?

In the early days, we enjoyed spending time together, but it was ‘nothing serious.’ I had a one-way ticket to London booked.

In the back of my mind, I knew I had found one of the good guys. We have similar drive and aspirations for our lives—we balance each other out and make a great team!

I ended up flying home to see what could be, and 8 years later….

Was there a proposal? Tell us a little about it…

Adam proposed in Bali during a beautiful private dinner at Hanging Gardens. We had been together for 7 years, so I was optimistic that it would happen during the trip.

There were absolutely no signs, and the ring went completely undetected in our carry-on luggage. He kept me guessing until one of our final nights!

What was one element you were happy to splurge on?

Food and music! We’re big foodies, so it was a dream to use a local chef and design a menu based on our favourite restaurant dishes. The highlight was the Depot-inspired snapper sliders.

We had an intimate family wedding, so needed to bring the chill acoustic vibes. We found a duo from Auckland, Allenby Park, who were perfect! They played all the classics.

Did anything happen on your wedding day that you laugh about in hindsight (even if it was stressful at the time)?

In true Wellington region fashion, the winds picked up throughout the day! The team ended up moving our dinner setting to a perfectly sheltered spot, and I still have my dream alfresco setting.

Tell us about your main outfits, what was unique, is there a story?

I worked with the lovely Anita at Vinka Design. Some elements were inspired by my mum’s wedding dress, and I love a sleeve, so we worked back from there. The result was completely different from what I thought I’d go for—but I loved it.

We were only engaged for 6 months, and it forced me to go with my gut and trust in people who I knew would deliver on our vision. Anita was one of those people—our entire team of vendors was the BEST!

LOCATION Olivio-nor, Martinborough PLANNER & STYLIST George & Co, @georgeandcoevents PHOTOGRAPHER Ana Galloway, @anagalloway FLORIST Suzette May, @suzettemayflorist ENGAGEMENT RING Village Goldsmith WEDDING BANDS Partridge Jewellers BRIDAL DRESS Vinka Design, @vinkadesign BRIDE’S SHOE Nicole Rebstock, @nicole.rebstock ACCESSORIES Chanel, @chanelofficial HAIR & MAKEUP Kate Keogh, @katekeogh_mua SUIT & SHOES Working Style, @workingstylenz