
Real Wedding: Sarah & David – Photography by Jessica Sim

We’re both passionate about travel and lucky enough to have jobs that have taken us around the world. We moved to London together in 2012 and have been living abroad since. David proposed in a small town called Conca Dei Marini on the Amalfi Coast in Italy. He’d hidden the ring in my jewellery box, but as I was getting ready in a rush I didn’t even notice! So when I wasn’t looking he pulled it out and when I turned around he was on one knee, ring in hand. I couldn’t stop crying, it was so special. We spent the day exploring the town and drinking champagne. It was the best!


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Real Wedding: Angella & Kevin – Photography by Paul Tatterson

We’re both 26 and were both born in South Korea. I came to New Zealand when I was three years old and Kevin came when he was 12. We met ten years ago when we were 17 and in high school, where we started off as friends.

We wanted an outdoor wedding, so didn’t have a Plan B for the rain. Our whole wedding (especially the ceremony) was prepared with our fingers crossed the weather would be good on the day. It was perfect up until dinner and speeches and then it started raining - but to our surprise this made the evening even more special!

265 angella and kevin

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