
Categories: Weddings-Real Wedding: Helen & James

Real Wedding: Helen & James

Photographer Selection | Helen & James-19 We’re nuts about each other. Our loves include music, joking around with our friends and biting off more than we can chew. We met at Rainbow’s End at a friend’s 30th birthday party, got engaged in Tokyo and currently live in Amsterdam.
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Categories: Inspiration-Down The Track: Kath & Clive

Down The Track: Kath & Clive

web1I2A8359 Married at St Paul’s Church, Hamilton, 1945 Kath and Clive married shortly after Clive’s return from World War II: Kath in a wedding dress made of pure silk, purchased for the princely sum of £5, Clive, handsome in his Air Force uniform. Now in their nineties, with four sons, ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren, they recall their wedding and the long, rewarding marriage that has followed...
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Categories: Weddings-Real Wedding: Carly & Scott

Real Wedding: Carly & Scott

0817 Scott and Carly_ Scott proposed on our seventh anniversary. He asked if I’d take our dog for a walk with him, we went on our usual walk along the water, Scott had hidden some champagne in the bushes and we had a glass to celebrate our anniversary. Then he told me he’d bought a new collar for our dog, so I bent down to look at it and embroidered on it was, “Carly, will you marry me?” It was so special because our dog means the world to us, and it was such a simple idea.
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Real Wedding: Lisa & Rowland

0685_Lisa_Rowland_1 We met at high school, in our hometown of Keri Keri - so a long time ago! We went to Elam art school together, then moved to Sydney, where we still live, not long after that. We both enjoy spending our weekends escaping the city, either camping, fishing or bushwalking. One weekend while camping, Rowland casually dropped the question. We were having a picnic on the beach. He’d had a ring made by one of his work colleagues, which was really special.
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Product categories: Magazine Shop-Together Journal Issue #2

Issue #2 Cover Reveal

Since our subscribers will be receiving their copies of issue two over the next few days we thought it was time for a cover reveal! Introducing issue two with real life couple Juliet & Justin Souter gracing our cover. Issue2Cover

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