Melissa + Minal by Finder Seeker

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: Minal & I met three years ago on a dating app. Minal is originally from London and had been living here in the years prior. When we first met neither of us were seeking any … Read more

Tash + Jake by Nikki McCrone

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: I am a teacher at a wonderful primary school and I love laughing and being in a classroom of kids with no inhibitions or filters! Those students honestly keep me so grounded and remind me … Read more

Kate + Nathan by Lucy Li

Tell us how you meet each other?  We met through mutual friends in 2015 and from the start we really enjoyed our conversations with one another. We remained casual friends over the next few years and started to date seriously in 2019.  When we first met each other there was a curiosity to know more … Read more

Laura + Vince by Nicole Orlowski Photography

Tell us how you met each other? A complete set-up by our family! I (Laura) was having dinner at Vince’s Brothers/Sister-in-laws place, as I was friends with his sister-in-law (lived next to my parents). We were having a girl’s night when Vince rocked up unannounced to fix a plumbing issue in the bathroom, his Dachshund … Read more

Kendall + Paul by Levien & Lens Photography

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: I’m a registered nurse and Paul is a Project Manager. We have known each other since kindergarten, our parents being good friends. We were mates at school and went to the 5th form ball together. … Read more

Hannah + Matthew by The Wolfpack

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: Matthew and I met 6 years ago at the back of the local rugby club (as romantic as it can get). I was then persuaded to go on a date with him after he sent … Read more

Alex + Fynn by Salt Media

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: I’m Alex, 34. I’m a registered nurse in a busy emergency department. I love my job, being able to help people in their time of need, and constantly learning something new. My husband Fynn, is … Read more

Anita + Daniel by Sarah McFadyen

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: Dan and I met in high school, we weren’t  exactly your high school crush kind of story, instead I liked Dan a lot and he didn’t seem to notice. We both went off to university … Read more

Georgina + Joel by Estrada Weddings

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: Joel and I met at a mutual friend’s party 7 years ago. After that we kept bumping into each other at different events and the rest was history! Joel is a builder and I work … Read more

Sammi + John by Liz Barnes

Tell us how you met each other? John and I met 10 years ago at a mutual friend’s house. At the time, I thought John looked like such a bad boy with his shaved head, but he turned out to be a darling.

Tearoadee + Nathan by Quint Photography

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: Introducing now as Mr Nathan Azzopardi and Tearoadee Azzopardi, Nathan is 31 years old and I’m 34. We have a small family, which includes my thirteen-year-old son Romeo who lives and breathes basketball and hopes … Read more

Cassandra & Tobias by Feather & Finch Photography

Tell us a little about yourselves, what you do, what you love, what is unique about you and your relationship: We met sitting on the floor far too early for a university lab. Cass was her pre-coffee self and Toby was far too happy for that time of morning. Although it wasn’t necessarily love at … Read more