Benjamin + Luise

He took me to a hill near a forest in Halle and sang me a song I love (Run Away by Ben Platt) and changed the lyrics a bit to fit our love story, although I didn’t realise this at the time because I was too busy crying.

Madeleine + Samm by Alice Mahran

He brought out the big guns with his best 16-year-old pick-up line: “Has anyone ever told you that you have the most beautiful eyes?” A few weeks and several dates later, we were boyfriend and girlfriend, and obsessed with each other.

Debbie + Chris by Nato Tuke

“As we love travelling, it felt right to get married abroad, so we chose New York. We wanted our wedding to have old worldly style. Our hotel, The Beekman, helped set the mood with its breathtaking vintage décor and architecture.”

Sarah + Brendon by Maja Tsolo

My mom reminded me recently that when she and my dad visited Shanghai in the early days, a group of us were walking home from lunch, and as Sarah crossed the street, I told them, “if I were going to get married, I’d marry her”.

Finetta + Cameron by Harriet Clare

Unlike Cameron, I didn’t think much after our first meeting, just that he was really friendly and easy to talk to. It wasn’t until a little bit later that I realised he was someone I wanted to know more. It didn’t take long for me to fall for him. You always meet the one when … Read more

Abbie + Matt by Taylor Kezia Photography

There wasn’t an exact moment but everyday without fail I look forward to coming home to Matt, whether I’ve had a good or bad day, he’s always there. I think that was the giveaway that he was the one.

Teegan + Alex by Feather & Finch Photography

I whip my head around and he’s pulling a ring box out of his pocket, I just start laughing. He’s trying to get down on one knee and I’m like ‘No! get up, don’t get down, don’t get down’ and somehow I say yes while laughing.

Jess + Joe by Lei Lei Clavey

There was no game playing or any of that dating nonsense, Joe called me the night we met, he then picked me up for a picnic date the next day and within 6 months we moved in together and went on a two week holiday to Vietnam the day after we moved in. It always … Read more

Sarah + Adam by Finch & Oak

“I spent months looking for the right earrings and finally found the perfect ones in the Gucci store when we were buying Ad’s shoes, but after splurging on my dress I decided to buy some cheaper options. On the morning of our wedding, I opened a gift from Adam and it was my perfect earrings.”

Monique + Michael by Kat Gillespie

We moved over to London around the same time (the argument on who followed who is still ongoing!) and were initially both unemployed and friend-less so spent lots of time together… the rest was history!