
Categories: Flora + Styling, Inspiration-Blooms of the Week - Where The Wild Things Grow

Blooms of the Week – Where The Wild Things Grow

12722162_10154532148338066_614634647_n My most common request this season has been for pastels, and for this bouquet I couldn't help adding a summery pop of colour. I typically use non-commercial foliage sourced from my garden, and a few favourite foraging spots. Here I've used olive, and one of my favourites - lacebark - which is a New Zealand native and in summer is covered in delicate, sweet, honey-scented flowers. I've also used some twisted willow for a bit of movement.
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Categories: Flora + Styling, Inspiration-Blooms of the Week - Lu Diamond

Blooms of the Week – Lu Diamond

IMG_7333 Yellow makes people smile! I think it reminds them of sunshine and happiness, but strangely it's a colour I never usually consider when selecting my flowers... For whatever reason, this week I threw out my misgivings towards the yellow and created this lovely big golden handful of sunshine.
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Categories: Inspiration-Down The Track: Kath & Clive

Down The Track: Eleanor & Valentin

webEleanor&Valentin Perhaps the key to Eleanor and Valentin Ozich’s individual successes is a marriage and partnership that encourages ambition, creativity and thriving. Valentin is founder of menswear brand I Love Ugly, Eleanor is founder of Petite Kitchen blog and business and author of two cookbooks. Having just celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary and with two children now in the mix (and a third on the way), neither show any sign of changing...
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Categories: Fashion, Flora + Styling, Inspiration-Crane Brothers & Muck Floral for Valentine's

Crane Brothers & Muck Floral for Valentine’s

12728987_1534169706880152_4503998759685723264_n The clever folk at Crane Brothers have partnered with Muck Floral this Valentines day allowing Auckland's most dapper gentlemen to peruse the latest in refined menswear whilst also taking care of their Valentines day requirements. So why not send your boyfriend, fiance or husband off to buy a new ensemble this Valentines weekend. It might just bring out his romantic side. More on this wonderful collaboration below...
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Categories: Inspiration-Down The Track: Kath & Clive

Down The Track: Kath & Clive

web1I2A8359 Married at St Paul’s Church, Hamilton, 1945 Kath and Clive married shortly after Clive’s return from World War II: Kath in a wedding dress made of pure silk, purchased for the princely sum of £5, Clive, handsome in his Air Force uniform. Now in their nineties, with four sons, ten grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren, they recall their wedding and the long, rewarding marriage that has followed...
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